
Monday, June 4, 2012

Life Lately...

Wow, once again I've done a pretty horrible job of keeping my blog updated. My last post was about our beach vacation (which I miss so much!..hoping to return in September!). Pres had her tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy and more tubes put in this past Thursday. Whew, this experience has been something else...She had tubes at 9 months and it was a piece of cake so I totally underestimated this procedure and recovery. Sean and I were so proud of her before the surgery. They gave her some medicine that SHOULD HAVE sedated her, but in true Preslie fashion she fought the effects, never giving in and going to sleep. They finally took her away for surgery while, like any parents, we waited nervously. Before we knew it, it was over. Our ENT briefed us afterwards, telling us that her tonsils and adenoids were HUGE and that she already had another ear infection brewing (after just 2 weeks since the last one!). She was crying in recovery, but not hysterical like I thought she would be. We came home, she slept, then got up and began playing. She was eating, drinking, talking, laughing and I thought "WOW, that's it, that wasn't so bad...she is doing great!!". Well, apparently Demerol and the prescribed loratab make you feel pretty awesome! By that night, it was apparent that the meds and anesthesia from that day had worn off and she was in a ton of pain. We were literally up and down all night long (and our nights since then have been much the same). That night we discovered that she despised the liquid loratab, and despite the supposed tropical punch flavoring, it smells like it could light something on fire it is so strong. She takes her bubblegum flavored amoxcyllin and her motrin just fine so we thought that maybe she just didn't like the flavoring...the next day, we went to target to have a new bottled reflavored with bubblegum flavoring...the truth is, if something tastes like crap, there is just nothing you can do to make it taste better...and so the struggle continued. One of us would hold Pres and the other would administer the medicine..she usually succedded in spitting most of it out. The problem with this is that if she didn't take the meds, she didn't even feel good enough to drink ANYTHING. There is no fooling this kid...she starts talking about no wanting to take her medicine before there is any mention of the word, and as soon as she sees it she freaks out (seriously people, you should smell it...I really don't blame her!) With practice, we got a little better at ensuring she got a little more of the pain medicine in her mouth...that is, until she figured out that she could gurgle (while laying back) and it would all come out of her mouth. Yesterday, Sean filled a small cup with coke and put the medicine in it. The child has never had coke (and the only reason we caved is because we were so desperate for her to take the medicine!) so it worked like a charm the first time...She drank it all up...that was the only time she did that...the struggle then started again so now we are using a syringe to administer the coke/pain med mixture from the cup because she refuses to drink it out of the cup...One of these medicine administering sessions could easily last 15-20 minutes, including time to coax, praise, get the drift. Whew, have I mentioned that we are EXHAUSTED?!?!?! I told Sean this morning, after only 4 hours of sleep, that I felt like we were back in the newborn stage when we would be up and down with Pres all night. Anyways, the point is that this recovery has been far worse for her than I thought it would be. I googled tonsillectomy and found several pictures of tonsils in the week after surgery and I almost fainted. I thought about posting a pic, but it is just downright gross....makes me sick to my stomack to think about! I am too scared to even look in her mouth for fear of her seeing my reaction. So we are now on day 5 after surgery so I'm hopeful that things will be better from here on out!

     In other news, I'm loving this full time stay at home mommy business! It is very nice to wake up in the morning with no deadlines, appointments, assignments and to just be able to spend time with Preslie and Sean (when he is home). It is definitely not an easy job chasing, caring for and cleaning up after a very active 2 year old all day, but it is a job well worth it. My house is a complete disaster despite my efforts of CONSTANTLY picking up all day, but that is ok! In the weeks between returning from our vacation and Pres's surgery, we stayed busy constantly! We painted outside, played in her pool, had lunch dates, dinner dates, play dates, visited the library, bookstore, treated ourselves frequently to frozen yogurt, and on and on! I wanted her to have fun before going through all of this. We now have less than 4 weeks until we transition to New Orleans...CRAZY and exciting!! I hope everyone has a great week!!!

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